Bonsai CRM for Freelance Writers

Bonsai CRM for Freelance Writers
This page was originally published April 26, 2024 and updated April 26, 2024.

Bonsai CRM for Freelance Writers

If you’re a freelance writer looking to streamline your business and make your workflow as smooth as silk, Bonsai CRM is the tool you need. Think of it as your very own personal assistant to help you manage and grow your business. It’s designed to take the heavy lifting out of client management, project tracking, and getting paid on time. No more juggling different apps or losing track of important emails. With Bonsai, everything you need to run your freelance business is in one place, so you can focus more on writing and less on admin.

From sending proposals to invoicing, Bonsai has got you covered. It’s super easy to use too. You won’t spend hours trying to figure it out, which means more time writing and less time stressing. Plus, Bonsai helps you look super professional in front of your clients, which is always a good thing. And the best part? It’s tailored specifically for freelance writers like you, so every feature and tool is designed with your unique needs in mind.

Key Features:

  • Streamlined Invoicing: Send professional invoices in minutes and get paid faster.
  • Proposal Templates: Customizable templates to pitch your projects with confidence.
  • Time Tracking: Easily track the time spent on projects to bill accurately.
  • Client CRM: Manage all your client information in one place for easy access.
  • Financial Insights: Keep track of your earnings and expenses with detailed reports.


  • Get Organized: Say goodbye to the chaos and keep your projects neatly organized.
  • Look Professional: Impress your clients with sleek proposals and timely communication.
  • Save Time: Automate repetitive tasks and focus on what you do best—writing.
  • Increase Earnings: With professional proposals and fast invoicing, you’re likely to see your income grow.
  • Peace of Mind: Feel confident knowing that the administrative side of your business is taken care of.

In conclusion, Bonsai CRM is pretty much a game-changer for freelance writers. It’s like having a personal office assistant, accountant, and project manager all rolled into one nifty package. Imagine all the hours you’ll save that can be spent on crafting the perfect piece, expanding your portfolio, or simply enjoying a bit more free time.

Bonsai CRM Freelance Writing Software

Plus, with happier clients and a more organized schedule, your freelance writing business is set to soar. Ready to give it a try? Head on over to Bonsai CRM for Freelance Writers and see how it can transform your freelance world for the better.

Your Quick-Start Freelance Writing Toolkit

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for writers and authors in 2020 was about $73,690 per year. Specializing in a niche can help you stand out and potentially earn more. Whether you’re passionate about technology, fashion, travel, or medical writing, there’s definitely demand. Our Freelance Writer business toolkit has the proven resources from experts in the field to launch and grow a freelance writing business you love. Align yourself with these pros who know what works and what doesn’t. Save yourself a lot of headaches and grow your business faster than you ever thought possible with this simple but proven freelance writing toolkit.

More Help for Your Freelance Writer Business

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