Online Booking and Payments Software for Coaches

This page was originally published April 26, 2024 and updated April 26, 2024.

Online Booking and Payments Software for Coaches

If you’re running a health, wellness, or life coaching business, we have the perfect tool to streamline your appointment scheduling: Simply Schedule Appointments for your WordPress website. This plugin is a game-changer, making the booking process as smooth as butter for both you and your clients. With its user-friendly interface, you can set up and manage your appointments without breaking a sweat. Plus, it integrates seamlessly into your WordPress site, making it easy for clients to find and book their next session with you.

Gone are the days of back-and-forth emails trying to nail down a meeting time. Simply Schedule Appointments offers a hassle-free solution that saves time and lets you focus on what you do best—helping your clients thrive. It’s flexible, too, so you can customize availability to fit your schedule, and clients can choose times that work for them. This way, you’re always on top of your appointments without any of the usual headaches.

Key Features:

  • Easy Installation: Integrates smoothly with your WordPress site.
  • Customizable Availability: Set your schedule the way it works for you.
  • Hassle-Free Booking: Allows clients to book appointments effortlessly.
  • Email Notifications: Keeps you and your clients informed about upcoming appointments.
  • Responsive Design: Looks great on any device, ensuring a seamless booking experience.


  • More Time for Coaching: Spend less time managing appointments and more time coaching.
  • Professional Image: Elevates your business image with a sleek booking process.
  • Happy Clients: Makes booking a breeze, which your clients will love.
  • Efficient Scheduling: Reduces no-shows and last-minute cancellations.
  • Increased Accessibility: Clients can book 24/7, fitting appointments into their busy schedules.

Simply Schedule Appointments is a powerful tool designed to make your life easier and enhance your coaching business. It streamlines the scheduling process and also adds a layer of professionalism that clients appreciate.

Online Coaching Appointments

Just imagine—all the time you’ll save that can be redirected into growing your business or expanding your coaching skills. Ready to take the next step towards a more organized and efficient coaching practice? Check out Simply Schedule Appointments today.

Your Online Coaching Business Toolkit

Helping people reach their health, wellness and life goals can be both a fulfilling and financially rewarding choice. In fact, according to the International Coaching Federation’s Global Coaching Study, the average income for full-time coaches was $67,800 in 2023. Specialization will earn you even more. Our coaching toolkit has the proven essentials you need to get your online coaching business up and running quickly with support from experts in this field who have an incredible track record of success. Use these success tools to launch and grow an online coaching business you love.

More Help to Launch Your Online Coaching Business

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Are you tired of pouring time, energy, and creativity into someone else's dream? If you are ready to work for yourself, we can help with ideas, tools, and funding to launch an online business you ♥.